Environment Variables

JSON Config provides both dictionary-key and attribute-style access to environment variables via os.environ.

from jsonconfig import Environ

with Environ('myapp') as cfg:
    cfg.env.a_variable = 'some value'

Environ is a shortcut to Config(mode=None, keyring=False). When mode is None it disables reading & writing to the configuration file and the data attribute is not available. When keyring is False it bypasses the Keyring service and the pwd attribute is not available.


The app_name for Environ is a required argument, but it doesn’t doesn’t do anything.

Attribute & Dictionary Key Style Access

Nested keys are not permitted with environment variables.

Environment variables are accessible through dict style keys and attribute- style notation. When you assign a value to a attribute or a key it will update the environment variable in real-time.

When getting a value if a key is not found it will return None.

with Environ('myapp') as cfg:
    var = cfg.env.a_variable

– or –

with Environ('myapp') as cfg:
    var = cfg.env['a_variable']

The env attribute has most of the attributes and methods associated with dictionaries. For example:

with Environ('myapp') as cfg:

Getpass Helper Function

There is a helper function called getpass() that will allow you to prompt the user for a passowrd.

For example to prompt for a password in an environment variable is not set ...

with Environ('myapp') as cfg:
    password = cfg.env.mypassword or getpass

Or to check the keyring vault first, if it’s not set there then check the environment variables, if it is not set there then prompt for a password.

with Config('myapp', mode=None) as cfg:
    password = cfg.pwd.mypassword or cfg.env.mypassword or getpass

You can also set it if it’s not set:

with Config('myapp', mode=None) as cfg:
    cfg.env.mypassword = cfg.pwd.mypassword or cfg.env.mypassword or getpass

JSON Helper Functions

It’s not usually used with environment variables, but it is possible to store JSON serialized objects in environment variables.

with Environ('myapp', mode=None) as cfg:
    cfg.env.settings = to_json({'debug': True, 'width': 80})

To retrieve it ...

with Environ('myapp', mode=None) as cfg:
    settings = from_json(cfg.env.settings)